Cat Behaviour Consultations

Most people do not realize that their cat is stressed, unhappy, depressed or displaying behaviour issues because cats are not as ‘in your face’ as what dogs are. But there are so many cats that are stressed and this could affect their health in the long run. Life could be so much better for them.

Cat Behavior Problems 

Cat behaviour problems include: Spraying and marking, biting people, biting and fighting with other cats, sleeping all day, (this can often be a sign of depression), bringing a new cat into your household, Stress, stress, stress and sudden or odd behaviour changes in cats.
Book a Consultation
How does a cat consultation work?

1. Pre-Consult

You will be asked to fill in and return a Pre-consult form before the appointment. Sign up can be done online below.

2. Consulation

With behaviour consultations we will start with the initial Consultation where I come to you to get as much information as possible about the situation and to observe your cat in his/her normal surroundings.

3. Report

After the consultation I will send you a Report and in cases relevant I will work out a Behaviour Modification Program for your cat. In cases where the Behaviour Modification Program is needed, a follow up session will be done to go through the program with you and to put it in place.

4. Follow Up

With behaviour consultations it is important to remember there is no ‘quick fixes’ or guarantees and your involvement, time, effort and implementation of the programs is very important.

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Contact Us
"Rita and Marcelle are brilliant with all types of dogs. The classes are fun and it’s amazing what a difference it makes to your pet. Highly recommended "
Leisha Brooks, Port Elizabeth
"Thank you Rita for your patience and for making my pooch and I feel so very special. While Roxy is learning slowly we are getting there. I will most definitely be back! "
Carol-Ann Kelleher, Port Elizabeth
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